Saturday, January 14, 2012

Peter Cetera Puts A Song to Bed


Show us those pearly whites, Peter!
Songs that fade out seem and don't contain a proper ending seem incomplete to me.  I picture a young Phil Collins struggling to come up with an ending to his big 1980 hit, "One More Night."  "No problem," said his producer.  "Just keep singing 'Oooh oooh oooh' and get Phillip Bailey to wail on the sax while I fade out all the tracks."  The literary equivalent would be to write a story but not come up with an ending—just put an ellipsis at the end.  For example: “That’s when I realized that my life’s purpose was about to change for the worse.  The next portion of my life would be dedicated toward finding out why I...”  Wait a minute, there’s no conclusion!  The ending is undefined.  Now, take a song like that ends abruptly (or “cold” as they say in the biz).  Think about the song “Hard to Say I’m Sorry” from Chicago.  Musical genius Peter Cetera brought in a brass section, piano, drums, guitars, and possibly even a glockenspiel to put a big old exclamation point on the end of that song.  Go ahead and listen to it, I think that you’ll find it to be...

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