Sunday, January 15, 2012

Getting Men to Watch "Pretty Woman"


The scene that kept men watching.
It’s your typical American love story: a successful businessman falls in love with a hooker, and they live happily ever after.  Who wouldn't want to spend 90 minutes at a theater watching “Pretty Woman”?  Well, men wouldn't.  Since the movie was geared directly toward women, the producers knew that the film had to throw a bone to the guys who accompanied those ladies.  This particular scene was when Vivian (played by Julia Roberts--duh!) goes shopping on Rodeo Drive.  After she tries on several outfits, guys, don't blink, because there is a short clip of Vivian putting on white stockings.  Granted the clip only lasted a mere 2 seconds, but it was more than enough to make most men happy and keep them watching.  Heck, even Roy Orbison couldn’t help himself because during this scene...he let out a “Rrrrrahrrrr.”

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