Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dear Parade Magazine:


Parade Magazine, the must-read section of the Sunday newspaper for those 65 and older, contains a celebrity Q&A section full of questions that are clearly made up.  For example:

Does Harrison ford like dandelions? Alice P., Streamwood, VA

Harrison Ford loves the color yellow and claims his love of the weedy flower began in 1980 after filming the movie Witness, which is now available on BluRay and DVD.

I loved the TV show “She’s The Sheriff.”  Whatever happened to Suzanne Sommers? Nora N., Hartford, CT

Sommers went on to star in lots of forgettable sitcoms and then wrote lots of books.  She is best known for selling the Suzanne Sommers Thighmaster which can be purchased at

I’ve heard that compser Yo-Yo Ma travels with his own pillow, is this correct? Rebecca Q., Madison, WI

“I just love sleeping on a pillow that’s mine,” said the 55 year-old cellist.  “Since I travel so much while playing the cello, I sleep in lots of hotels.  It is wise to bring my own pillow.”  Ma will release a new CD entitled “’Ma Money, ‘Ma Problems” on August 31st.

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