Sunday, January 15, 2012

Homage to Unsung Heroes: En Vogue Edition


As we hurry through the rat race known as life, we sometimes forget about the little people.  Today, we pay homage to another unsung hero.  One such person is the guy in the En Vogue song “(My Lovin’) Never Gonna Get It.”  Wait a minute, you’re thinking, there aren’t any guys in that song.  Actually, there is a guy and he utters six very important words: “Now it’s time for a breakdown.”  Whenever I hear this guy's voice, I wonder who this guy is and did he answer a classified ad that read: looking for male voiceover artist to say "Now, It's Time for a Breakdown" for a pop quartet.  One thing is for certain, without this man, there is no breakdown.  And without a breakdown, En Vogue would not have reached #1 on the charts.  Today, we salute you, guy-from-the-En Vogue-song. 

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