Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Lost Art of Mixtapes


Lost in the era of CDs and MP3s are cassette mix tapes.  These vintage gems required hours of careful song selection followed by the task of dubbing the songs onto a cassette tape in real time.  The biggest hurdle was always the task of making that final song fit on Side B of the 90 minute cassette without clipping off the end of the song.  Once everything was finished—some two-plus hours later—it was now ready for its fancy title.  Typically, these tapes were made to woo a lady.  So the key was to come up with a title that was cool enough, but didn’t sound too desperate.  Something like “Sarah’s Slow Jamz” or “Meredith’s Chillout Mix” usually sufficed.  What ultimately happened next was a testament to the technology of the era: your ladyfriend popped the mix tape into her cassette player only to watch helplessly as the player ate the tape and destroyed your masterpiece.

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