Saturday, January 14, 2012

Here's A Question. And An Approved Answer.


When men inquire on a sensitive subject or one that they really don’t want to talk about, we usually ask the question and provide the answer in one fell swoop.  For example: “How are you feeling today...better?”  We’re hoping that you will agree that you’re feeling better.  “How’s the new job...a lot better?”  The only acceptable answer is that the new job is far better than the old job.  I know that I’m guilty of this and it usually involves topics that I’d like to address but not delve too deeply.  “How are you liking being back on the dating scene—it’s exciting, huh?”  We’re just happy that you and Schmucko aren’t seeing each other anymore.  “How did you like today’s five minutes of writing—it was superb, huh?” 

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