Sunday, January 15, 2012

Delicious Ecto-Cooler


As Hollywood wonders whether Bill Murray will sign on for Ghostbusters 3, fans everywhere couldn’t care any less.  Instead, they just want to get their hands on a can of delicious Ecto-Cooler.  Not only did Ecto-Cooler come in a container that resembled an oil can, but it remains the only successful drink that resembles antifreeze and tastes like metal.  For years, happy American children would reach for a can opener, pry two holes into the oil can, and pour themselves a delicious beverage of awesomeness—until the powers that be at Hi-C took away our libation.  One has to deduce that Bill Murray is holding out on a Ghostbusters reunion for language in his contract that also ensures a return of Ecto-Cooler to store shelves.    

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