Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tripped Up By....Nothing

It's inevitable that during the course of a day you'll find yourself walking and then suddenly...you trip.  This brief moment of clumsiness is followed by feelings of awkwardness and embarrassment.  Desperate for a cause to your clumsiness, you look back at the asphalt for clues.  There are no tree roots, broken pavement, or even litter.  So, you carry on and shrug it off while hoping that no one noticed.  Last night, I watched this scene play out in front of me as a thirty-something woman tripped, looked back, but then did something I've never seen happen--the woman stopped and stood there laughing.  Not just a "ha ha", but a full-on belly laugh.  She was laughing in a manner much like she heard Jim Gaffigan doing stand-up about Hot Pockets.  "Don't worry about it," I told her as I passed.  "It happens to everyone."  She couldn't care any less.

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