Friday, October 25, 2013

Does Anything Good Happen At Chuck E. Cheese?

Happy birthday, Joey!
"Boy's Birthday Party at Florida Chuck E. Cheese Ruined By Brawl, Shooting, Mom's Arrest For Drugs"

"20 People Involved in Chuck E. Cheese Brawl That Nets 2 Arrests"

"Chuck E. Cheese Brawl in Lincoln Park Leads to 2 Arrests"

The above headlines are real.  It's rare for an entire week to pass without reading a story about a fight breaking out at Chuck E. Cheese.  Maybe something bad happens when you combine cheap pizza, a plastic ball pit, and a child's birthday because a Google search containing the words "Chuck E. Cheese" and "arrest" netted over 140,000 results.  It leads one to wonder what they put in that pizza.

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