Friday, November 29, 2013

Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmastime" Is Still Gawd-Awful

Now that Christmas music is blasting out of every store speaker this side of Skokie, you likely will be subjected to the worst Christmas song ever made.  The problem with this song is that this song is sung by a Beatle.  That's right, this dubious award goes to Sir Paul McCartney for his head-scratching holiday hit "Wonderful Christmastime."  For five decades now, this song has annoyed holiday shoppers almost as much as the word doorbuster.  It's more proof that ex-Beatles can get away with passing off crap songs simply because the name Lennon, Starr, Harrison, or McCartney is attached (see: "I've Got My Mind Set On You", for example).  Our friends at Wikipedia report that each year, royalties from "Wonderful Christmastime" net McCartney nearly $40,000 for a profit of nearly $15,000,000(!).  I wonder what Yoko thinks about that.

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