Monday, November 25, 2013

Watching History

History twice in the making.
Three years ago, I got my first taste of the Mediterranean with stops in England, Italy, Spain, and Malta during my vacation.  While there were so many highlights, one particular moment still stands out from the rest.  It happened in Valleta on the island of Malta--a small country off the coast of Sicily.  While there, I stumbled upon an elderly married couple in an outdoor coffeeshop.  The woman was surveying the area while holding an old photograph while her husband stood nearby raising his cane to point at some of the pillars.  When we approached the duo, the woman explained that her husband was a former British soldier who was once stationed on the island of Malta during World War II.  The photo she was holding happened to be a photo of her husband from 1944 standing in that very spot.  This was the first time in nearly 55 years that the man last stepped foot there.  The two were quite humble and downplayed the significance of their visit, but we would have none of that.  I snapped this photo of the two of them holding the photo and thanked them for sharing their story.  It was a beautiful and perfect moment of history.      

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