Thursday, November 21, 2013

You've Got Mail (That Isn't From Groupon)

Long, long ago (I'm talking at least six years ago), we used to log onto our email accounts via our trusty desktop computers.  Our accounts were from Yahoo, Hotmail, and AOL while some of our more cutting-edge friends had these new fancy Gmail accounts.  Our inbox typically included email messages from Grandma asking if we got the cookbook she mailed and reminding us that we still haven't RSVP'd for the family picnic, our old college roommate detailing his upcoming bachelor party, and our mother-in-law who found an article proving that Barack Obama was indeed not an American citizen.  Our inbox was like our personal life journal complete with lengthy conversations, pictures and stories from friends and family both near and far.  Things changed as social media and text messaging took the place of long-form email and unlimited minutes erased the fear of paying for a long-distance phone call.  I admit, I do miss sending and receiving long-form emails to friends.  Nowadays, it seems that my inbox only gets filled by people who want my business.  This morning, for example, I had messages from, the White Sox, Bank of America, Living Social, Groupon, and LinkedIn.  While I do miss emails from Grandma, I don't miss messages questioning Obama's origin.

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