Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Battle of the Less Dudely Man


Not even carrying tools can up the manliness of walking this dog.
Imagine for a moment a very tall, dudely-looking guy walking down the street with a Dachshund.  This guy, who looked like he was a defensive lineman for his college football team and could likely blow up a football using only his mouth, awkwardly walked down the street with the tiny dog in tow.  The leash was barely long enough for him to walk little Sparky and still stand up straight.  The dog seemed to relish the fact that his owner looked (and probably felt) uncomfortable.  The odds are pretty good that the dog belonged to his wife, girlfriend, or mistress...and definitely not Mr. Jock Strap.  For whatever reason, I found the whole sight funny.  “How unmanly it must be for this guy,” I thought as I passed him on the street.  It wasn’t until I spotted my reflection in a window that I ate my words.  There I was walking down the street carrying a 14 lb. tub of scoopable cat litter.

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