Friday, July 27, 2012

Another Week, Another Recall


Each week, the news contains at least one heartwarming story just like this :

Looks like Ed's engine is over-heating again.
The Ford Motor Company has issued a recall on all 2009 Ford Z-50 Sport Utility Vehicles.  Independent tests confirm that when the Z-50 comes into contact with asphalt, it will immediately burst into a flame ball the size of Maryland.  Laboratory tests also showed that when the Z-50 reached speeds above 45 MPH, the breaks would no longer function causing drivers to crash into passers-by. Additionally, engineers cited at least three occasions of Z-50 drivers who rolled down the passenger's side window only to be bitten by African Killer Bees.  (Yes, those same killer bees that you've been hearing about since the 7th grade--they're here and they're pissed off!).  Ford encourages all owners of the 2009 Ford Z-50 with a valid warranty to immediately drive it into the nearest dealership for immediate repairs. 

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