Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Desperately Seeking Sunshine

You've heard the expression: "the only certainties in life are death and taxes."  As Chicagoans, we're guaranteed death, taxes, corrupt politicians, and endless complaining about the weather.  This unseasonably cold winter has earned high marks on my annoyance scale followed closely by complaints about the weather.  Aside from selfies, Facebook is littered with pictures of thermometers that read "-4."  It's cold.  Brutal cold.  High temperatures that are numbers less than zero.  We already had more snow in mid-January than we normally should get all season.  You know what, we have every right to complain!

To cope, I've found myself scheduling my weekend showers at noon.  Who schedules their showers, you're asking?  I do.  At noon, the sun shines directly above my bathroom window and brightens my bathtub in a way that makes bleach blush.  These days my body is craving Vitamin D like a plant desperately seeks sunshine.  If this cold doesn't let up soon, I may call off work....in order to catch my noon appointment with my shower.      

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