Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Rejected Buzzfeed Quizes

Buzzfeed gives closure to our curiosity over "What Golden Girl Are You?" or "What 90s Alt Rocker Would You Be?".  I hope that you're able to sleep well tonight knowing that you're Blanche and Tori Amos.  Here are some other Buzzfeed quizzes that didn't quite make the cut:

What Yacht-Rock Band Are You?  I got Robbie Dupree.

What 1980s Saturday Morning Commercial That Aired During Cartoons Are You?  I got Ecto Cooler. 

What Cosby Sweater Are You?  I got bright blue with burnt persimmon-colored trapezoids across the chest.

What Forwarded Email From Your Aunt Helen Are You?  I got "Let's Boycott Gas Stations on April 15th."

What SNL Sketch Starring Ellen Cleghorne Are You?  I got ???

What Flavor of Marshmallow from Lucky Charms Are You?  I got Purple Horseshoe.

What Level of Super Mario Brothers 3 Are You?  I got level 7--Iced Land

What 1990s Cubs Backup Player Are You?  I got Scott Bullett.

What Racist Celebrity Are You?  I got Mel Gibson.

What Space of the Bingo Card Are You?  I'm O-69.

What Wacky Sitcom Neighbor Are You?  I did not get Monroe from Too Close For Comfort

What Retired Catchphrase Are You?  I got "psyche!".

What TV Show Theme Song Lyric Are You?  I got "Sha-La-La-La" from "Family Ties"

What Venereal Disease Are You?  I got crabs.

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