Monday, January 13, 2014

Irresistible Video Titles

Not too long ago, you couldn't open your email inbox and not find a handful of forwarded jokes, articles, or pictures.  These emails usually contained subject lines like: "Too funny!", "Amazing...Pass It On!', or "The Funniest Thing You'll See Today!".  In other words, the subject lines read like they were written by a seventh grader.  We don't forward too many emails these days, but instead post them to Pinterest or Facebook.  I've noticed that the titles of videos have gotten more and more appealing causing me to click on waaaay too many links.  For example:

Gorgeous Video Shows Why An Entire State Is Obsessed With One Wave 

Every Citizen Should Watch This: The End of American As We Know It

After I Saw This, I Put Down My Phone And Didn't Pick It Up The Rest of The Day...

Some People Call It The Best Anti-Smoking Plan Yet.  After Watching, I May Be One Of Them

The Awesome Reason This Public Library Has No Books

That Burger Looks Awesome But It's Hiding More Secrets Than A Teenage Diary

I Didn't Think She Could Get Any Cuter, But In 20 Seconds Something Beautiful Happens

This Guy Used A Groupon to Give His Kitten a Photoshoot at JC Penney & Oh My God It's Amazing!

A 9-Year Old Girl Quietly Takes The Stage. What She Did Next Gave Me Chills I'll Never Forget.

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