Monday, December 9, 2013

What To Do With Old Magazines?

If they weren't the "world's largest", I'd have room to store them.
For the seventh Christmas in a row, my wish list included renewing my Men's Health Magazine subscription.  The magazine is a personal favorite of mine despite the fact that they always put shirtless dudes on the cover (the last time I checked Oprah's Magazine, I didn't notice any topless photos of Oprah on the cover, fyi).  After I read each magazine, I usually place it on a bookshelf in my bedroom.  I wouldn't throw a book away after I read it, so why would I throw a magazine away, right?  Well, this type of hording reasoning has resulted in my bookshelf reaching its capacity.  After eight-plus years of stacking magazines on a shelf, I knew that I'd eventually run out of real estate.  That time has come.  Do I recycle them?  Give them away?  Burn them?  I'm hesitant to do any of those options. 

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