Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"We've Detected Fraudulent Activity on Your Account."


The Fraud Department at Chase Bank left me an urgent voicemail informing me that one of my credit cards had been flagged for potentially fraudulent activity.  This happened after a series of out-of-town charges recently appeared on my account.  For example, they questioned the following charges that were made over the previous weekend:
$86.00 at Walgreens
$13.89 at Dairy Queen
$46.65 at Nacho Papa's Restaurant
$146.17 at the Hampton Inn in Stevensville, Michigan

Obviously, I was pleased that Chase flagged these charges and followed up with me.  One could easily see that series of purchases and deduce that some burnout with a stolen credit card bought up a bunch of cold medicine at Walgreens, went to a hotel room and made meth.  This was followed by a bender that included a handful of Heath Blizzards and pulled pork nachos.  While all of this added up to a stolen credit card in the minds of the fraud department at Chase, it was far from the truth.  Instead, it perfectly summed up all the hot spots that I hit during my weekend in Southern Michigan.

[UPDATE: My other Chase credit card actually did have fraudulent charges on it.  Thankfully, Chase canceled the card before these punks ordered more t-shirts.]

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