Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Just Bleeping Beep!

You go to call your friend Jim.  Jim doesn't answer his phone, and you get his voicemail: "Hey, this is Jim.  Leave me a message."  Between the moment Jim's outgoing message ends and the beep sounds, the following options are given: 

"To leave a message, wait for the tone."
"To page the person, press 5."
"To leave a callback number, press 7."
"To vote NO to Proposition 74, press *#"
"To have a star named for your loved one, press 18."
"To be or not to be, press B...or don't."
"To have your steak cooked medium-rare, press 45."
"To listen to Peter Francis Geraci's Bankruptcy Info Tapes, press 11."

Finally, the beep sounds.  You leave Jim a message.

Ten minutes later Jim calls you back and asks what you wanted.

You ask, "Didn't you listen to my voicemail?"

"No," Jim says.  "I saw you called so I called you back."

All of that for nothing.

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