Thursday, January 31, 2013

Memories of Superbowls Past


Once again, it's time for the only day this year that you'll ever hear anyone say, "Shut your yapper, I'm trying to watch these commercials!"  It's also the only day of that year that people seem to use Roman Numerals.  Yes, it's the Superbowl!  After fighting two people for the last Haas avocado at the grocery store, we all crowd in front of a 112 inch high-definition LCD-TV to watch a football game played between two teams that we don't care about.  We complain about the halftime show and wonder aloud why it's always the people at our office who make entirely too much money that win the office pool.  As Chicagoans, it's another excuse to re-live memories of Superbowl XX (which translates to "20") when our beloved Bears stomped on the Patriots.  Next to putting a man on the moon, it's the single most important event in history for those in Chicago.  I was in third grade at the time and remember how special it was at the time that the nuns at my Catholic school allowed us to decorate our lockers with Bears posters (we promptly had to remove them following the game).  Now each Superbowl is a reminder of something even more frightening than Tom Petty's 2008 halftime show: Sunday's game will be Superbowl XLVII ("47").  That means it's been (gasp) 27 years since Superbowl 20.  Apparently, I haven't been in the third grade for a while now.  I'm gonna shut my yapper now...

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