Sunday, April 22, 2012

Some Random Things I've Learned Over The Past 34 Years


One of the most precious resources on earth is family.  As each year passes, I am reminded just how fortunate I am to have an amazing mother, father, and brother.  My extended family is pretty cool, too.

When we were young, our grandparents bragged about us.  As we get older, we brag about our grandparents.

People don’t listen to their voicemail.

This tree survived a fire and still stands in the park where I grew up.
Bloody Marys excite most everyone I know…except me.  I wish I liked them.  I also wish I liked bananas.  They seem like such a fun thing to peel and eat, but if only someone would do something about the taste.

It is difficult to truly make me laugh.

A diet is something that’s viewed as temporary.  It’s not—a diet is a way of life.  You really are what you eat.  My life improved dramatically when I started eating only organic fruits & vegetables.  My life changed even more for the better when I eliminated gluten from my diet. 

If Ryan Seacrest can do it, so can you.

We spend so much time trying to fit in when we were born to stand out.

Sometimes sentences end with prepositions.  Life goes on.

I once heard a quote from Kenny Rogers that I think is pretty cool: "There are 3 versions of each of us. The version you think I am, the version I think I am and who I really am. The closer you can make those 3 versions, the longer you’ll last and the more authentic you are.”  Also, The Gambler is a great song.

Super-religious people frighten me.  

The song “Radar Love” is good.  Damn good.

Everybody thinks their baby is smarter than all other babies.  Cuter, too.

I am happy that I’m a man for a million reasons.  One such reason is that women have to attend showers.  I can’t think of a less appealing way to spend a Saturday.

We are all blessed with a specific gift and/or talent.  It’s our responsibility to share those gifts with the world.

Finally, a quote from Maya Angelou: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."  Bravo.